Tuesday, January 10, 2017

The FTSE 100 Sets New Record High


Before his 27 year career in the finance and investment industry, Anil Jethmal graduated with a BA in economics from Bowdoin College in Brunswick, Maine. Employed at both Smith Barney and Gruntal & Company, Simon & Schuster featured Anil Jethmal in "The Winner's Circle 2: How 10 Stockbrokers Became the Best in the Business.”

While the Dow Jones Industrial Average has deservedly captured much investor attention as it recently threatened to surpass the psychologically important 20,000 mark, the London Stock Exchange’s (LSE) FTSE 100 also recently hit a new high of 7,106.08 on December 28.

Known as "blue chips," the LSE’s 100 largest companies comprise the FTSE 100, and these stocks serve as a benchmark for the overall performance of the LSE. The acronym of FTSE is derived from the era when the Financial Times (FT) and the LSE (SE) both held a 50 percent interest in the exchange. The FTSE is now a subsidiary of the LSE.

How India Became Great Again

  As far back as he can remember, Anil Jethmal has admired one historical figure above all others.   To this day, he marvels at how Mahatma ...